“If the limit never approaches anything, the limit does not exist” is a quote from the iconic coming-of-age movie Mean Girls, and one way to state succinctly the case for protecting “they” as a plural all-inclusive pronoun of the English Language. If you haven’t seen Mean Girls, think The Catcher in the Rye or any other story about an individual’s journey from the outside looking in to a place of belonging.
Read MoreWhy did Dan wait so long to privately accuse me of hate speech? Because he can’t win the argument about the local housing referendum on the merits in my opinion, but others could argue it’s because he inadvertently is a sexist pig.
Let me explain.
Read MoreThe world mourns the death of Queen Elizabeth II but her legacy lives on as a tome on what to do with great privilege when you have it.
Read MoreSwallowing an “affordable housing project” with a public price tag topping $13.5 million plus a TIF is like taking a malaria drug to treat COVID. Instead of paying a corporation to build, own and manage low-income housing projects for the benefit of shareholders, the public is better served investing in housing that serves the public! That’s the message sent from Cape Elizabeth to Augusta that shines through LD 2003, Maine’s exciting new housing reform law.
Read MoreDespite news reports and gossip about NIMBYism in our pretty little town, families including low-income families are getting ahead in Cape Elizabeth. That’s why everyone wants to live here.
Read MoreIt is our right as citizens to decide where, what kind, and for whom publicly subsidized housing should be developed, not the planners, consultants and unelected bureaucrats who don’t live here, vote or pay taxes. If we want to build affordable housing for families and the local workforce, we can and we should because spending public funds on raising healthy kids and supporting our local economy is a good investment.
Read MoreMothers, guns and mayhem. Enough is enough.
Read MoreVoters have been dealt a bad hand by the enemies of Community Housing and we are calling their bluff. Let them defend the abandoned low-income bleak housing project on the merits. Watch them singe as Dunham Court goes down in flames.
See Community Housing rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
Read MoreImagine how small one must be to steal homemade signs for refugee housing. Imagine also how small the Nimbus 2000 of outdoor mobile security camera is and how mortifying it will be when the poacher is revealed. It’s a whodunnit whopper. The banker with the website in the dining room? Professor Plum-Progressive with the chip on his shoulder in his SUV?
Read MoreA map to Community Housing in Cape Elizabeth
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