A Locker Room Speech to the Easton, Maine High School Bears

Girls! Gather around.


There is something I want you to know.

Some people think you should not hear what’s being said about you.

Some people think you shouldn’t know.

But I don’t.

I believe the truth will set you free.

Free to act.

Look around! Some of us have short hair, and some have long.

Some have tattoos and some do not —at least not yet.

These things will all change overtime,

as long as we have free will and the courage to exercise it.

Now look around again.

Some of us are fat, and some of us are not fat.

This, too will change over time.

Being fat isn’t about who you are at your core, it’s about your body mass at the moment — a number.

A number based on math and science and an equation factoring calories and metabolism.

Weight is a number on a sliding scale and obesity puts you in the red zone.

Obesity is a disease as deadly and as dangerous as COVID —

except for one big difference.

When it comes to COVID, they say it’s about science.

When it comes to obesity and girls, they say it’s about feelings.

And that’s where we differ.

You can’t control what other people say about you.

You can’t control how others feel.

But you can do the math.

And you can change because you have agency.

I was fat for a stretch as a kid,

and I know why.

Everyday I spent my lunch money on Yodels and candy at Sunny Brook Farms with my friend Mary,

and then after school we made two boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese to eat while we watched General Hospital, a show about Luke and Laura.

Those were some of the happiest days of my life.

Until they weren’t — so I changed.

We changed — Mary and me.

And someday if you want to change, I’m confident you will.

I believe in you.

I also believe things happen for a reason.

Those strong feelings swirling around inside of you?

Rage and sorrow you can’t find words to express?

That’s what this game is for — that’s why we have varsity basketball.

Think of this game as a machine custom-made to turn these strong feelings and energy and drive into your game.

Our game.

Don’t leave anything on the court.

Play your best game tonight and nothing else will matter.

Some people think you don’t have the capacity to forgive.

I do.

And that’s what makes you winners in my book.

That’s what makes you champions.

Now go out there and show who you are at your core.

Don’t let anyone forget the night they played the Bears.