Dill for House District 123. Chapter One.

In a stroke of serendipity, within 24 hours of the birth of an affordable housing bond proposal in Cape Elizabeth I care deeply about, our state representative announced she is not running for re-election. Last Thursday the bond took its first baby step on to the next town council agenda and with a friendly majority has legs. On Friday, State Representative Rebecca Millet bid her farewell on Facebook.

When opportunity knocks, open the door my parents always said. It might slam back in your face but more often it’s the beginning of an adventure.

I’m running for State Representative in Cape Elizabeth and look forward to the adventure.

Foremost I want to finish what we started two years ago and get developing a beautiful neighborhood of truly affordable housing on 22 acres of publicly owned land called Gull Crest on the ballot on November 5th. The road bond is the price tag of creating housing for kids, families, seniors and our workforce within state and local zoning laws. Let the voters decide!

But it’s not just our local affordable housing goals I hope to advance with my campaign for State Representative. My work on the ground representing whistleblowers and hard-working Maine citizens in their fight against the tyranny of the bureaucracy at home and in Augusta also greatly informs my mission to serve. A lack of funding is not always the problem to be solved, in fact too much spending by free-wheeling lawmakers has little to show for it. Holding government accountable is in my blood and holding government accountable is what’s necessary to restore faith in public institutions.

For two years I have been walking the streets of town, collecting signatures and talking to people at the transfer station and IGA about housing and other important issues we face as a community. Freedom! Local control, the economy and taxes, education, the environment, equal opportunity, women’s rights, smaller government. These are values worth fighting for and it would be an honor and privilege to once again be Cape Elizabeth’s champion at the state capital.

Cynthia DillComment