No Room for Radical Feminists Under Democratic Party Tent

Groups produce group think that leads to mass hysteria. Look what happened to the Salem witches at the hands of the Puritans.

Heresy among today’s left is any challenge to the new transgender ideology that equates women and transgender women. A new law passed by Democrats in Augusta along strict party lines makes access to “gender-affirming health care services” a legal right, along with abortion.

My crime? Rejecting the quackery of transgender medicine for children and pointing out the absurdity that 18 year-olds living in their parents’ basement, on their insurance, have a legal right to a chest binder while dear old dad has no rights to desperately needed hearing aides or eye glasses.

You are a witch pursuant to today’s gender orthodoxy for wanting to protect kids from irreversible surgery and puberty blockers, or question the credentials of the “World Professional Association for Transgender Health.”

And you are a bitch if you think or dare say, God forbid, that privileged American kids don’t deserve a trophy for their gender identity.

Under the regime of far-left gender politics - you cannot believe that being a woman is real. It’s a label that can be stuck on anyone like a bright orange price tag.

I support and love transgender people. They have the right to express whatever gender their heart desires and pursue happiness and prosperity like everyone else. I support Maine laws that grant equal rights to all regardless of gender expression. Equal rights are not special rights, though. People with cancer don’t have rights to chemotherapy. Medical intervention for gender dysphoria should be consistent with all other medical intervention.

Equal treatment under the law is not the same as an ideology that equates women and the right to abortion to transgender women and the right to “gendercare” -- the latest offering from a medical academy captured by the insurance industry and under pressure from private equity to increase marketshare and profits.

It’s radical for a woman today in the Democratic Party to stand up for women and kids, and “progress” that men now can define us to include them.

As if being a woman is fungible and not a divine and mystical connection to the universe.

As if two X chromosomes are not enough.

Not so long ago at Family Fun Day in my hometown, fire trucks shot chemical foam out of hoses to the delight of kids and their wealthy and highly educated parents there to videotape the spectacle. To me, it was crazy to encourage children to wallow around in a toxic stew. My kids thought I was a witch for not letting them.

And remember when the government said putting recycled human sh*t on farms was a good idea? I smelled that disaster a mile away, too.

So maybe I am a witch. And maybe that explains being hung out to dry by Puritans.