Former State Senator Cynthia Dill is putting her hat in the ring to represent Cape Elizabeth in Augusta as the Representative for House District 123. Previously Dill was elected to serve as Town Councilor from 2005-2008 and in the Maine Legislature from 2006 - 2012.

“I am running to be the voice of Cape Elizabeth at the state capital because I love our town and want to fight for our values. For two years I have been listening to citizens’ views on housing and other important issues while walking neighborhoods and sitting outside the Swap Shop and IGA. “Voters want better education, not $200 million new schools. We want affordable homes for families and kids, equal opportunity, lower taxes, and laws to be enforced fairly and regularly. And we want freedom! Freedom of thought and expression. Freedom from senseless gun violence and senseless government diktat. Freedom from toxic pollution and toxic politics. And we want security - in society, in schools and at our borders. These things are worth fighting for and I would be honored to be your champion once again.”

Dill has lived in Cape Elizabeth since 2003 with her husband Tom Clarke, a high school math teacher, and their two children, Harrison and Isabel. She is a practicing lawyer and the owner of a small media company. In addition, Dill hosts a podcast and appears regularly as a trusted political analyst for local, national, and international news organizations.

“I will hit the ground running and get to work preserving what’s good in Cape Elizabeth while plotting a bright, healthy, and prosperous future for our state. We need strong, experienced, reasonable people with gumption to lead and hold the powerful accountable, including an entrenched bureaucracy. A sense of humor and humility helps. I hope to earn your support.”

Locally Dill is leading the effort to create housing for families, seniors, and the local workforce on 22 acres of buildable land located between the transfer station and the Spurwink River at Gull Crest. She hopes to get a bond on the November ballot.

“The time is now for action. This project advances the housing goals of our Comprehensive Plan within the confines of local and state law. It’s fiscally conservative, socially responsible and we can trust Cape voters to make a sound decision.”

Everyone is welcome to join the Dill for House District 123 campaign.

“All aboard! Let’s win this thing.”

For more information about Cynthia Dill go to To contact Dill for House District 123, write to o

Cynthia Dill